Let Our experts take care of your Dream Projects Search Engine Optimization

Without Proper SEO optimization, A website is just like a business card sleeping in your Pocket. Without Distributing your business card to people, you won’t get visibility right? The same concept applies to the Website as well. You need to optimize your website for SEO to get better visibility in Search Engines like Google Bing yahoo Etc…

What’s the use of SEO optimization?

Advertising platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Google Adwords CPC and RPM Costs are Ramping up like never before. and the number of visitors Google ads sending to your website depends on the total amount you have in your Adwords Account. Once You Spent All Amount, you have to spend again to get more visitors. Organic traffic has no limit like this. You can drive lots of Organic visitors by doing Good SEO optimization.

More Organic Traffic

You Don’t need to need to spend thousands of dollars in Google Advertisement and other Advertising mediums for Traffic Every Time. You Will Get Highly Convertable quality organic Traffic.

More Leads

More Organic Traffic to your website means More Leads will swamp your business

More Sale

More Leads =more conversion = More Sales! More Sales will Skyrocket your ROI (Revenue of investment)


We have a unique SEO Strategies and Crafted Approaches towards projects. We are not like So-called SEO Agencies Who intakes 100+ SEO Projects Every month. And Messing with Everything and not showing Proper results.

We believe Quality is to be the must-have key Focus, whatever the industry we are working. So We do intake Only 15 SEO Projects a Month. So We can Provide Top-Notch output for Clients and their Business.

Driving Traffic is Not our Goal at all, We aim For Leads, Sale and Better ROI

Traditional SEO Companies do Promise that they will drive organic traffic to your business in N number of months. But What’s the use of just driving traffic without Good conversion? We are not against them. Even we believe traffic is the key factor for any business. But our goal is not just driving traffic. And our Work not going to be Stoped at Traffic generation. Our ultimate goal is Converting Traffic into leads, and lead into a sale. we will Analyse Your Business in every aspect. And we will Craft Extraordinary Lead converting pages for your business. We will do lots of A and B testing to Figure out the best lead to the sale converting page. Better Converting Page is the Key For ROI.

Who We Are ? and Whats our Industry Experience?

Many New Born SEO Agencies and companies used to Brag like they have 5+ Years of Experience. If you just analyze their websites Whois information for Registration date, You can find they started just before a few months to a year at Maximum. You can see our Transparent Industry Experience in, We have been selling fully developed websites in Flippa since 2015 with 100% positive feedback. You can Check our Flippa Profile here. And We are Providing Profesional SEO services and Web designing Services Since 2012.

Do You Have any Proven SEO Result? Can you show us ?

Absolutely yes. we love to share our Recent Projects Output and Case studies.
But It’s Pretty common most of the clients wouldn’t be interested in Sharing their Analytics, webmaster tools data even their Niche Etc. Because they don’t like getting competition in any form of way. Also Nowadays Some webmasters Highly interested in Peeking other websites Strategies., for creating their own version of the website. Still very few of our Clients allowing us to Share their Website Statistics with some Restrictions.

Here is our Mindblowing SEO Result on 100th Day Exactly

Few Great Stats about this SEO Project

We started this project on 12th December 2020. For one of our valuable client named Roix. He is a Singapore based Person. Working For an Advertising Agency.

  • Total Project Cost 12000$
  • This Website is Completely Build From Scratch by our Clouds11 Team. ( Including Buying a Domain name, Hosting in our Dedicated Server, Designing Website, Adding Content, Onpage SEO and Off-Page SEO, Technical SEO Etc )
  • Client came up with a list of competitors websites in Celebrity Niche with One Million plus monthly Visitors.
Project Goal#
Project Start Date12-December-2019
Organic Traffic1.5 million unique per month / 50k unique per day
AD Revenue Goal50$+ per day / 1500$ per month
Total Targeted Keywords800k
Achieved as on 01-April-2020#
Total Days as on 01-April-2020100 days
Traffic as on 01-April-202024k unique per day
Adsense Reveune per day 01-April-202020$ – 25$
Keywords Achieved as of April1242k

Our 12 Step Transparent SEO Process

We have Well organised Search Engine Optimization Process. that can give hassle-free Experience for our clients. from Day one to Project final delivery date, you will be Manually reported by our Staffs Through EMail. Also, You can able to Track all the Project Related updates in Client Dashboard You can discuss with Allotted Staffs in comments Section. You can open a support ticket, you can leave Important Notes For the Team Members., You can upload Files Etc..

Step:1 Client Submits Project Details

In This Process, You will be asked for

  • Your Website Name.
  • Projects Main Goal.
  • Your Business.
    Product or Service You are Trying to Sell.
  • Your Main competitors. (Locally)
  • Previous SEO services Undertaken

Step:2 Our Sales Team Review

Once You gave us All Basic Project Details, our Sales team will Review Your Projects Potential., including Industry Value, Probable ROI We can deliver, Basic Keyword and Competitor Research to Know Market Difficulty. Your Websites Current SEO status, and Currently indexed Keywords and Ranked Pages ETC. If our Sales Team Believes we can Deliver You a Great Result. We will Approve and Move Your application to the Billing Team.

Step:3 Client Payment

Once Your Project Approved, Our Sales Team Will Discuss with you Regarding Estimated Delivery Date, Probable ROI and Result You can Expect, And Project Costs Etc. Once You Approve For our Quote, You will be asked to create an account in the Client dashboard ( Can Review Project Quote and pay Directly through our Payment Partners Paypal or Razorpay.

Step:4 Advanced Keyword Research

After Payment Part Completed, Our Senior Keyword Research Team will perform Advanced Keyword Research to Find the Best Keywords for Your Business. Initially, we will Look for All Low Hanging Fruits. (Keywords with Low Keyword Difficulty) and then Long Tail Keywords, and High-Value BIG keywords, Potentially which can Produce Good Traffic and Result. Then all these keywords will be Send to the Competitor Analysing team.

Step:5,6 Competitor Analysis & Documenting


In this process, we will Analyse Top 20 Ranking Pages for all the keywords we have Documented in the Previous Process. All those Ranked Pages and Root domains will be analyzed page by page to know their Onpage strategy. We will Document All on page Details of #1 to #10 Ranked Pages. (Total Words Count, Keyword Density, Keywords in H1, H2 using, domain age, Meta Description, Title Tag, Alt Tag, Page Speed, Etc.)


For gathering Competitors Backlink data, we do use Best in industry Backlink analyzer Tools AHREFS and MOZ. Key Metrics like Ranked URL Rating, Backlinks from Related URL, and Related Domain Will be Documented For #1 to #10 Ranked Pages.

Step:7,8 Strategy Planning & Team Allotment

All the documented Onpage and Offpage Data will be further analyzed by Our Strategy Planning Experts, to Craft Killer Procedure to outrank Competitors. They Will Document Key Factors like,

  • Ideal Keyword Density for better Ranking.
  • Placement of H1, H2, Focus Keyword.
  • The number of Internal Links., and external Links
  • Minimum number of Words Needed.
  • Number of Backlinks we need to outrank Competitor.
  • Strategy to Increase Domain Authority and Brand Awareness.

After Documenting, Niche Specific Experts from Clouds11 Will be Specially Allotted for Onpage optimization, Offpage Optimization, and Technical Optimization. Minimum 3 to 5 Specialist will work on Your Project.

Step:9 On-page Optimization

Our On-Page SEO Experts will optimize Your page Content based on the Following Key Factors.

  • Keyword in URL,
  • Keyword in Title Tag,
  • Proper H1, H2, H3.
  • image alt and Title Tag
  • optimizing Content With LSI
  • External Links, Internal Links

Step:10 OFF Page Optimization (Backlink Building)

We all know Content is the King in SEO. We Must Respect our Queen (Backlinks) as well. Even Google recently confirmed that Backlink is in the top three ranking factors of the Search Engine Ranking algorithm. Our Best in class Link building Experts manually Get Contextual links to your website by, Guest posting, Blogger Outreach Etc.

Step:11 Technical Optimization

Your Website Will be Crawled by our CloudsBOT to find out Technical issues such as Crawl Errors, Broken Links, Page Speed Etc. If Your Site Loads Slowly, Our Team will Optimize it by implementing a Proper Caching System, Minimising HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT delivery Etc.

Step:12 Analyse Result, Rinse & Repeat

Once Everything on Board, within a few weeks, You can see the majority of your pages Ranking in 3rd and 4th pages, and Few pages on First and second page on google as well.

We will Progressively Track Your website ranking using our own rank Tracker as well as third-party tools like Ahrefs, Moz, etc. depends on your page ranking position we will perform minor on-page optimizations day by day., and we will continue to Build Related links with High Domain authority and URL authority. Until we claim our #1 page

Project Delivery

Once Your Site Ranked on Page one for our Target Keywords. It’s Ready For Delivery.

Available Slots Number Of Slots Availble to Book
KD KD (Keyword Difficulty to Rank on Google as per AHREFS)
Total keywords Number of key phrases optimized (Keyphrases with less than 1M results)
keyword Reporting Ongoing quarterly keyword Reporting : Every month is a new strategy. We'll show you where your keywords are ranking and our plan to move them up in the SERPs.
Sitemap Creation & registrations of sitemap.xml
Google Analytics Google Analytics setup w/ conversion tracking
Optimization Includes images optimizing HTML, CSS, JS Minifying
Link redirect audit
Monthly reporting Ongoing monthly ROI, traffic, & goal reporting
CloudsBOTS CloudsBOTS, a search engine developed by Clouds11 Tech, is specifically engineered for search engine optimization. It allows the Clouds11 Tech SEO team to crawl, index and generate prioritized SEO punch lists. These punch lists include hundreds to hundreds of thousands of steps that can be taken to improve a site’s ranking in major search engines, such as Google and Bing. CloudsBOTS replaces the traditional first phase of search engine marketing, the initial site analysis. What in the past took up to 300 hours to complete, CloudsBOTS can now do in a fraction of that time. This unmatched efficiency enables Clouds11 Tech to provide top-notch SEO packages at competitive price levels. In addition, Clouds11 Tech can now complete site optimization more quickly, providing clients with optimal site rankings in less time than traditional SEO companies. CloudsBOTS is a direct result of Clouds11 Tech's customer-focused, results-driven approach.
Competitor Check Competitor Analysis in Your Project Niche
Initial investment Initially we're building links, adding copy, doing our keyword research, etc. This is a 2-month campaign. Once completed, you'll move into the progressive monthly optimization.
Monthly Charge After the initial campaign, you will probably see some keywords ranking on page 3, some on page 2 and maybe a few on page 1. The monthly optimization will formulate a strategy every month to move these terms from page 3 to page 2, from page 2 to page 1, and from the bottom of page 1 to the top. The monthly optimization lasts for a minimum of 10 months.
Minimum Time
Spots filed
Available Slots Number Of Slots Availble to Book
10/10 Filed
KD KD (Keyword Difficulty to Rank on Google as per AHREFS)
KD Less than 15
Total keywords Number of key phrases optimized (Keyphrases with less than 1M results)
Up to 50
keyword Reporting Ongoing quarterly keyword Reporting : Every month is a new strategy. We'll show you where your keywords are ranking and our plan to move them up in the SERPs.
Sitemap Creation & registrations of sitemap.xml
Google Analytics Google Analytics setup w/ conversion tracking
Optimization Includes images optimizing HTML, CSS, JS Minifying
Link redirect audit
Monthly reporting Ongoing monthly ROI, traffic, & goal reporting
CloudsBOTS CloudsBOTS, a search engine developed by Clouds11 Tech, is specifically engineered for search engine optimization. It allows the Clouds11 Tech SEO team to crawl, index and generate prioritized SEO punch lists. These punch lists include hundreds to hundreds of thousands of steps that can be taken to improve a site’s ranking in major search engines, such as Google and Bing. CloudsBOTS replaces the traditional first phase of search engine marketing, the initial site analysis. What in the past took up to 300 hours to complete, CloudsBOTS can now do in a fraction of that time. This unmatched efficiency enables Clouds11 Tech to provide top-notch SEO packages at competitive price levels. In addition, Clouds11 Tech can now complete site optimization more quickly, providing clients with optimal site rankings in less time than traditional SEO companies. CloudsBOTS is a direct result of Clouds11 Tech's customer-focused, results-driven approach.
Competitor Check Competitor Analysis in Your Project Niche
Initial investment Initially we're building links, adding copy, doing our keyword research, etc. This is a 2-month campaign. Once completed, you'll move into the progressive monthly optimization.
Depends on Project
Monthly Charge After the initial campaign, you will probably see some keywords ranking on page 3, some on page 2 and maybe a few on page 1. The monthly optimization will formulate a strategy every month to move these terms from page 3 to page 2, from page 2 to page 1, and from the bottom of page 1 to the top. The monthly optimization lasts for a minimum of 10 months.
Depends on Project
Minimum Time
5 - 7 Months
Spots filed
Available Slots Number Of Slots Availble to Book
10/10 Filed
KD KD (Keyword Difficulty to Rank on Google as per AHREFS)
KD Less than 15 - 45
Total keywords Number of key phrases optimized (Keyphrases with less than 1M results)
Up to 80
keyword Reporting Ongoing quarterly keyword Reporting : Every month is a new strategy. We'll show you where your keywords are ranking and our plan to move them up in the SERPs.
Sitemap Creation & registrations of sitemap.xml
Google Analytics Google Analytics setup w/ conversion tracking
Optimization Includes images optimizing HTML, CSS, JS Minifying
Link redirect audit
Monthly reporting Ongoing monthly ROI, traffic, & goal reporting
CloudsBOTS CloudsBOTS, a search engine developed by Clouds11 Tech, is specifically engineered for search engine optimization. It allows the Clouds11 Tech SEO team to crawl, index and generate prioritized SEO punch lists. These punch lists include hundreds to hundreds of thousands of steps that can be taken to improve a site’s ranking in major search engines, such as Google and Bing. CloudsBOTS replaces the traditional first phase of search engine marketing, the initial site analysis. What in the past took up to 300 hours to complete, CloudsBOTS can now do in a fraction of that time. This unmatched efficiency enables Clouds11 Tech to provide top-notch SEO packages at competitive price levels. In addition, Clouds11 Tech can now complete site optimization more quickly, providing clients with optimal site rankings in less time than traditional SEO companies. CloudsBOTS is a direct result of Clouds11 Tech's customer-focused, results-driven approach.
Competitor Check Competitor Analysis in Your Project Niche
Initial investment Initially we're building links, adding copy, doing our keyword research, etc. This is a 2-month campaign. Once completed, you'll move into the progressive monthly optimization.
Depends on Project
Monthly Charge After the initial campaign, you will probably see some keywords ranking on page 3, some on page 2 and maybe a few on page 1. The monthly optimization will formulate a strategy every month to move these terms from page 3 to page 2, from page 2 to page 1, and from the bottom of page 1 to the top. The monthly optimization lasts for a minimum of 10 months.
Depends on Project
Minimum Time
6 - 8 Months
Spots filed
Available Slots Number Of Slots Availble to Book
5/5 Filed
KD KD (Keyword Difficulty to Rank on Google as per AHREFS)
KD Less than 70
Total keywords Number of key phrases optimized (Keyphrases with less than 1M results)
Up to 120
keyword Reporting Ongoing quarterly keyword Reporting : Every month is a new strategy. We'll show you where your keywords are ranking and our plan to move them up in the SERPs.
Sitemap Creation & registrations of sitemap.xml
Google Analytics Google Analytics setup w/ conversion tracking
Optimization Includes images optimizing HTML, CSS, JS Minifying
Link redirect audit
Monthly reporting Ongoing monthly ROI, traffic, & goal reporting
CloudsBOTS CloudsBOTS, a search engine developed by Clouds11 Tech, is specifically engineered for search engine optimization. It allows the Clouds11 Tech SEO team to crawl, index and generate prioritized SEO punch lists. These punch lists include hundreds to hundreds of thousands of steps that can be taken to improve a site’s ranking in major search engines, such as Google and Bing. CloudsBOTS replaces the traditional first phase of search engine marketing, the initial site analysis. What in the past took up to 300 hours to complete, CloudsBOTS can now do in a fraction of that time. This unmatched efficiency enables Clouds11 Tech to provide top-notch SEO packages at competitive price levels. In addition, Clouds11 Tech can now complete site optimization more quickly, providing clients with optimal site rankings in less time than traditional SEO companies. CloudsBOTS is a direct result of Clouds11 Tech's customer-focused, results-driven approach.
Competitor Check Competitor Analysis in Your Project Niche
Initial investment Initially we're building links, adding copy, doing our keyword research, etc. This is a 2-month campaign. Once completed, you'll move into the progressive monthly optimization.
Depends on Project
Monthly Charge After the initial campaign, you will probably see some keywords ranking on page 3, some on page 2 and maybe a few on page 1. The monthly optimization will formulate a strategy every month to move these terms from page 3 to page 2, from page 2 to page 1, and from the bottom of page 1 to the top. The monthly optimization lasts for a minimum of 10 months.
Depends on Project
Minimum Time
8 - 10 Months